A downloadable project for Windows

locked:outputs is a virtual reality environment displaying eight 3D models representing the monsters created by an isolated mind. Each model is made of different features and sounds. They float and move in a virtual space that represents a condition of frozen time collapsed in an empty space. The sounds were created through the appropriation of audio materials contained in archive.org and analogue and digital synthesis. The user dives into the virtual environment and becomes able to explore and get close to the monsters. The exploration is made difficult by inertia and by the deceleration generated by the closeness to the monsters. The closer he gets, the slower he navigates.

Acceleration = W
Deceleration = S
Camera Rotation = mouse/trackpad
For the sounds of locked:outputs we used a binaural spatialization system. Use HEADSETS for a more enjoyable experience.

To play:
Download Lockedoutputs32 or Lockedoutputs64 (depending on the Windows 10 version you have installed), extract everything inside the rar file into the same folder, run the lockedoutputs.exe file.


Lockedoutputs64.rar 256 MB
Lockedoutputs32.rar 237 MB

Install instructions

Download Lockedoutputs32 or Lockedoutputs64 (depending on the Windows 10 version you have installed), extract everything inside the rar file into the same folder, run the lockedoutputs.exe file.